Classes & Events

Students in our goat milk soap making class will learn how to make their own soap and the benefits of making soap.
  • Come Learn the Art of Crafting Beautiful and Luxurious Goat Milk Soap!

    Are you looking for a fun and educational activity that will teach you a new skill? Look no further than our Goat Milk Soap Making Class at Heart N Soul Farm! In this class, you'll learn how to create your very own artisanal soap using the milk from our own goats and natural ingredients. Our experienced instructor will guide you through the entire process, from mixing and pouring to shaping and decorating. You'll leave with an understanding of soap making and a handful of beautiful soaps to take home and enjoy.But the benefits of attending this class don't stop there. Here are just a few more reasons to sign up today:

    Healthy skincare: Goat milk soap is renowned for its moisturizing and nourishing properties, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve the health of their skin naturally. Learn how to make skincare products that will leave your skin soft, smooth, and glowing.

    Sustainable living: Making your own soap is not only good for your skin, but it's also good for the planet. By crafting your own soap, you'll reduce your reliance on commercially produced soap and all the accompanying plastic waste and chemicals.

  • Price includes all ingredients to make approximately 2 pounds of soap, a silicone soap mold and a handout with the recipe.

  • Class is limited to 12 students ages 16+ years old. Please arrive 15 minutes early to checkin, select your fragrance and colors and settle into your space.


  • What should I wear? We’ll be working outside under canopy tents. Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear. We recommend close-toed shoes, long pants and long sleeves.

    What should I bring? a non-alcoholic beverage to keep you hydrated during class.

  • We must be notified at least 48 hours in advance for a refund (less processing fees) or to reschedule your visit for another date. No refunds or reschedules will be provided with less than 48 hours notice.